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How to create well social health..??

How to create well social health..?? Gayatri Kawade (Science Student) “As free as butterfly”🦋 Health involves physical, mental and social well being. Here, we also… Read More »How to create well social health..??

“Sometimes unexpected people come forward to help.”

“Sometimes unexpected people come forward to help.” Madhushree Deshpande Ganu “हीच आमुची प्रार्थना अन हेच आमुचे मागणे माणसाने माणसाशी माणसासम वागणे.” We have heard this… Read More »“Sometimes unexpected people come forward to help.”

How to make effective communication??

How to make effective communication?? Kavya Gagangras (Counselor) We are dealing with many people. We play different relationships. Either they will be close, formal, friendly.… Read More »How to make effective communication??

हळवेपणा बाजूला ठेऊन वास्तवाला सामोरे जाण्याची तयारी ठेवा.

हळवेपणा बाजूला ठेऊन वास्तवाला सामोरे जाण्याची तयारी ठेवा. सौ. मिनल वरपे जे आहे ते आहे ते बदलेल तेव्हाच जेव्हा आपण त्याला सामोरे जाऊ.. त्याच्यासमोर हिमतीने… Read More »हळवेपणा बाजूला ठेऊन वास्तवाला सामोरे जाण्याची तयारी ठेवा.

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